Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Sophomore Year

My first day of high school I was kind of scared. I thought high school was going to be really hard for me. I thought "what if I can't find my classes or what if I get late to class. Will the teacher going to be mad at me." I was worried if I was not  going to get good grades in my classes. The first day I was really impressed how the stairs were really busy. It looks like rush hour. Students were walking really slow. That was an experience for me at the first day of high school.

My first semester was kind of hard. I didn't know how exactly the classes work. Mostly I was worried about Advanced Algebra. I thought I was going to do bad because in my ninth grade year I did really poorly in math. My mom told me "You have to think positive and not say that you can't do it". I told her that I was going to try my best. 
Adv Alg textbookMath was really challenging for me in the first semester. Even though it was challenging I tried and I did good. I was and I am really proud of myself.

I love staying after school because that is when I can talk with my friends and have a little fun with them. But also I stayed because I worry about the homework I don't get it. 

Sophomore year is like a big experience for me of my first year of high school. Is like a new world for me. My friends are part of that new world. They are really important to me. Even though some of them are crazy, funny, noisy, or annoying, I still love them.     



  1. *Jossy* I really like the last paragraph! But is there any reason why I couldn't see the pictures?

  2. I like what you wrote about but I can't see the pictures either. I suggest that you should go back and try a different way to upload the pictures so we can see it.

  3. I really like how you used metaphors! Nice paragraph :)

  4. You have been doing a great job at high school and it is true believing yourself YOU CAN DO IT. Also, friend is very important in school and in life. They will help you go through hard time, they will love you and care you. So DO NOT lose any FRIEND in your life. I know all your friends is ESL student, I just want you do try to talk to the American student and make more new friend. Don't be shy and do it in this year. I am sure you will be more success and happier in the next semester.

  5. The comments your friends have posted here are a testament that they enjoy your company as well. I agree with Leo and Tenzin that you may want to double-check your pictures to make sure we can see them. John Lowe's comment about reaching out to native-English speakers/American students is good advice as well. Only time will tell what the next few years will hold for you!

  6. Glad you got the pictures to work. They are a great addition.

  7. I like the way you worked with real pictures of the high school and friends. I happen to notice that You put me in one of your pictures!

  8. You fixed it!!
    I LOVE your pictures!!
    Nice idea to use real pictures, very fantastic!!

  9. Nice pictures, its so vivid and awesome !

  10. I really like the fact that you took the pictures yourself! If you ever need help in math I can help you :)

  11. I really enjoy reading your blog. I like how the fact you put allot of effort in it. As well as giving eviedence with pictures from the school. Well done Jossy. :)

  12. Hi Josselyn. This is Ms. Benson. I like the simile you use to compare the stairs to rush hour. It is effective and the pictures help to illustrate your poin as well.Remember to use a question mark (?) after you ask a question. Looks like your friends are an important part of your life and also really fun people. I enjoyed getting to know you during the Latehomecomer unit. I will be seeing you more in the coming semester.

  13. I thought the same my sophomore year, I was really afraid but now I'm not anymore and i like it a lot. I also like how you included your personal pictures.
