Friday, January 11, 2013

High School Struggles

                       High School Struggles

Looking back to when I first started high school, it showed me that i would've done a lot better. In most of my classes i did really good, but in some i could have done way better. 

Soccer is my passion. Soccer is my life. I would rather be playing soccer than be at school, but I know that school will get me so much more in life than soccer. I would use that as an excuse for my bad grades and every time I do bad, my punishment would be not being able to play for the the month. I soon realized that soccer is just a sport for fun and that i have to earn my way into playing it for a long time. I love the good grades and the feeling of playing with all your friends out on the pitch. Soccer became a huge struggle for me in many ways. For example, practice was right after school and could not stay after with teachers, got home really late because of games and practices, and Just took so much time away from me. It was really hard the fist couple of weeks, but I pulled through in the end and made the big transition into the high school from the middle school. Today i am pulling through and trying my best to prov people that care about me wrong.

"High school, it's a lot but, it can be to much but don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do anything." -


  1. Nice reflection.
    I like your last quote :)

  2. Nice man, i like the last quote you wrote and it's very true !

  3. Very nice Bryon! I really like the picture its very artistic. I also like how you explain how soccer impacted your first days of high school.

  4. Niceee! I defifentely agree that a sport can be your desire, your life, your everthing that means to you a lot in your life. Yes, it is very true once you love something, you can never quit or skip it. I tottaly understand when your involved in a sport, it can distract you from your education. But no matter what you do, you still have the chance to move on and keep up the good work. I also love your qoute at the end because its true. Good job! (:

  5. Bryon nice to get to know you this year, I am happy having you in our ESL family. I love what you said that don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do anything. Soccer is very important for you, but school is also very important for you future too.

  6. It's really nice and I like it but there were many "I" which were not capitalized. So I suggest you to go back and fix it so you don't get points off for that.

  7. I like how you are so passionate about soccer. I know sports can take up your time but there is always time fro homework. I like your reflection. Nice!!

  8. Brian i really like the way you are taking your passion for soccer in to school and It is helping you improve your grades.
