Monday, January 14, 2013

My First Semester Junior Year

My First semester Junior Year

Before school start, I am busy doing football and looking for a part time as usual. My first hour is U.S. History, I always want to learn about this great country history since my move here. Mrs. Olson is an awesome teacher as Mr. Dahlman. In this class we have an activity that you have a number group to summary the event or person, then you go to the letter group and share it, then you have to listen and write down what other people say. This is my challenge in this class. I can’t read fast like other kids does, I can’t summary in my own word very well, I don’t know how to say some of the words and can not spell some of the word. Sometime I feel embarrassing in this activity. However, I believing myself day by day, get better and better. I will pass this class even is difficult for me because I have to know all the U.S. History to order to pass my citizen test next year and become American.

My second hour is Pre-AP-English 10, this is one of my hard class. I have to read about thirty pages everyday, and I am a slow reader. Sometime I read it and I don’t know what is talking about. My English teacher is 2012 teacher of the year - Mrs.Roehl. I feel very lucky in her class, she is a great teacher. Before every vocab test, she let us play I have...Who have... this game. This game is very different for me because I always say the word wrong and I feel embarrassing, but I got very good grade at every vocab test, and I have to thank Quizlet.  English class of course have a lot of writing and I very bad at it, every time read the comment of my essay I feel like I just learning English and how to write a essay. Passion project is a yearlong assignment, my topic is school shooting and I have been working on this project for a couple month, but I still don’t know how to stop this happen, then it happen in Sandy Hook Elementary school. Recently I have English class with Mrs.Benson for the choice book - The Latehomecomer. She is a very nice teacher. I kinda like this book because Yang and me have a lot of connection. Doesn't matter how difficult this class is, I believing myself I can do it because I have to study hard in this class to order pass the MCA READING TEST and able to graduate high school.

My third hour is Biologist, this is a very EASY class for me. Mr.Harelstad is an excellent teacher, he always share about his story to the class. I love to listen his story because it is very true in life. I love this class so much because I learn about molecules, cell, energy, cell reproduction,heredity, DNA, protein, genetic engineering and history of life on earth. All this unit is very interesting. In this class I have learn so many biologist vocab and I also forgot many vocab meaning. In this class is hard for me to remember everything and understanding everything. I love how Mr.Harelstad say, “ I am a big believer.” Well, I am a big believer too. I believing I will succeed in Biologist even it is so challenging for me.

Anyhow Edina High School is not hell. My fourth hour is one of my favorite class - Ceramics. I love go to this class after all three giant elephants. This class is a place where I can Relaxed and have Fun. Mr.Blanck is a friendly and funny teacher, he always chat and joke with me. In this class I learn how to make a cup, a teapot, a handle and many more...  I will take ceramics two next year for my relaxed zone.

After I fill up my belly, my fifth hour class is Adv. Algebra. I love math and I always think math is easy, but if you do not pay attention in class, it is hard. Mrs.Casey is a good and fun teacher, she always make the boring math turn to fun math, everyone love to listening to her in class. She always like to talk about joke, I don’t get most of her joke, but I still think it is funny. She look old, but inside of her is like a eighteen year old girl. I believing if I work a little harder in math, I will get a better grade because math for me is easy if I pay attention in class. Also I believing myself that I will pass the MCA MATH TEST in this April.

My last hour is ESL level four, this is my all time favorite class. All the people in this class from different country, only one person is American - Mrs. Schutz. She like a mother to me because she not only teaches us english, she also help, care and love each and anyone in ESL. She is an amazing teacher like Mrs. Kissock. I love her idea of writing blog because I love to share my story with people,and I love to read about other people story. I love go to the ESL field trip and volunteer at Feed My Starving Children, it is fun to do and meet new friends. And I also learn how to skating for the first time. I love Mrs. Schutz idea that every Friday we do a TED Talk, I like all the talk because every talks have a message. Now I download the TED Talk apps on my phone and I watch it every night before go into sweet dream. I beveling that I will do good this class so I can increase my all type of English skills.

I play JV football for Edina High School second year, we have seven lost and one win to ended of this season. I am so proud of each and anyone of my buddies that win the 2012 LAKE CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS,  but we lost in the great eights when we play against Rosemount. As Mr.Dahlman say: “LIFE WILL MOVE ON.” During the football season my mom got a new job and it doesn't pay well. Also I start go to T4C( Church) and go to Sunday school learn about bible and get to know more about Jesus. I pray every night before go to bed. Then I start go to youth group of St.Stephens Episcopal Church, I love to go to the youth group because every time there will have a speaker talk about their life. Then I go to TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) that three days of worship, wonderful contemporary Christian music, prayer, great food, fun, and fellowship is led by a team of over 90 teens and adults. I have a lot of fun time at TEC and I going TEC in spring too. This is my first year go to school dance both Homecoming and Sadie, I love to dance and I dance hard on the floor. During in the winter break, I go to see the wwe smackdown at target center and is was great, I can wait wwe come back to Minnesota. Also, I Finnish all the movies from 2003 and I move on to 2004, I can’t wait to watch some great films in my free time. I play both house and intramural basketball. My new years resolution is to pass the MCA reading test, do good at school and find a part time job help support my mother. I hope I going to do good this next semester and have a great rugby season and  get all my new year resolution done.


  1. wow...Jeff I can't believe that you wrote this much. It was really nice to read what you did in the first semester. You had a lot of fun in the first semester. Your writing got a lot better and keep it up.

  2. Nice work Jeff! I do too believe tht you can do it! :D

  3. wow nice nice job Jeff, I like how the fact you talked about your favrite subjects and the difficult subjects that you struggle with.
    I hope you Pass your MCA reading test just read allot eventhough its a hard subject for you because its your second language. Keep up the good work:)

  4. Wow Jeff, good job. I really like how you put a lot of pictures of your semester. Keep it up and i believe you can do it. You are a nice boy.

  5. good job jeff that was really awesome i glad that you rally like all your class.That was a good semester for you if you keep the good work doors will always open for you man.

  6. Nice job Jeff, happy to hear all the experiences you have being through. I also loved the pictures you posted, you look really happy with your friends. Keep it up at school!.

  7. Perfect reflection, very nice job :)
    I love how you reflected every class honestly,
    fun metaphors ( like "I love go to this class after all three giant elephants."),
    and many of your pictures!
    It was 'fun to read' reflection, and me too as like other guys commenting above,
    I believe that you can do well on all the school stuff.
    You can do it XD
