Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Growing up

Sophomore Yea

I wish time could go slower because I feel like I'm growing way to fast, since entering High school. I really want to go back to my middle school years because for me they were the best school years of my life! I miss having less homework, and  less stress but I guess at some point we had to move on and grow. High school is int that bad, I really like the fact that High school prepares us to become independent adult besides all the stressing because of grades, get to have more homework, and sometimes deal with drama that is int necessary but besides all these obstacles it will eventually pay of when having a diploma that will mean were one step closer to become someone in life.

Sophomore year was not so hard but not the easiest either. Transferring from Valley View to the High school  wasn't easy as I thought it would had. I had to learn all over again where my classes were, what time I had lunch, meet new people, and get use to the fact that there wasn't a  " A and B day " made it more challenging to balance my time. I must admit I was getting tiered of being in the Valley View and being a ninth grader so, I was glad to transfer into the High school. I felt more grown up, and less childish. Having to take the decision into taking a Ap class made my first semester year more challenging. I also find chemistry class being difficult for me, I just don't understand it but I'm learning to ask questions when needed. One class I really like is advance algebra! I like how my teacher teaches math, I feel great when I'm in his class because I understand everything he is teaching even though sometimes I get few low scores but I tend to get them back up. Another thing I really liked about my first semester of sophomore was going to the avid field trip, going to collages trips always makes me excited because I'm super close to achieve my goal in becoming a pilot.


  1. Thanks for sharing this reflection, Brenda. I like hearing about your successes and frustrations with middle school and how you are transitioning to 10th grade at EHS. Homework can definitely be overwhelming, but keep your head up and attitude positive. You're doing great things already!

  2. I agree, Brenda, that making the transition into high school isn't an easy one. There are a lot of changes with a new building to get used to and a different schedule and more responsibility. It's a lot of change in a short amount of time. However, it seems that you have eased into the transition well.

  3. i agree with you, I would also like to go back to my middle school years.

  4. I love how you included your struggles you faced or are facing and also the picture of the school. I would also agree with the fact about feeling like your growing up to because that is how i feel sometime, we are almost juniors.

  5. You want to be a pilot!?
    That's sooo cool!!!

  6. I agree with your reflection Brenda but also remember every transition you make wont be that easy. For example, high school to college wont be that easy for us.

  7. Brenda nice to getting learn you this year,I am happy that having you being a part of ESL family. I love people having a dream and want to it is true. One thing I want you to do is take ESL class seriously, I want to see you taking note in this class. I hope you keep doing great in every class and become pilot after college.

  8. I really agree you about math. I love math just because our math teacher teaches good and very nice. As you said I really feel great and understand everything he teaches. I never had a better math teacher than him ever since I had math class.

  9. I agree with you because when we start our high school year, we become more independent and more mature. If you really wan to be a pilot, go for it. Never give up on your dreams.

  10. It is true, there is a huge difference between high school and middle school. In my case I like high school better because you get to experience and learn many new things.
