Monday, January 7, 2013

My Junior Year

My Junior Year In The First Semester 

My first semester, I have been in the Edina High School last year so I didn't have problem finding my classes. The only few problem with my first semester was that I didn't like some of my classes. At first, I hate Pre-AP English 10, US History, and Biology. After while, I started to not hate my English and History but I still don't like my Biology class. The reason why I don't like biology class is that no matter how hard I try to study or how hard I try to pay attention in the class. I never did well on the test. In my History class i got better test score and my History teacher was very nice. I liked the way she teaches. I like the idea that she give back our test and answers to the questions that we still don't get. I liked my English more because I hated the class because it was a Sophomore class. Later on I realize that I can't hate a class just because it's not for Junior. I started to realize that I had to take that class because my english was not good enough for higher level of english class.Now, it's still my Biology class which is a challenge for me. So for the next semester, I would just have to try to study harder and pay more attention even though I do a lot now.

The most and best things in the first semester was that I got a chance to visit Minnesota State University Mankato . By going there I got more new friends on the bus and got some kind of idea of what kind of college I wanted to go in the future. The second most and best things was that my ESL class went to ice skating at the Depot Rink. On that day I had a lot of fun ice skating with my ESL classmate and helping the people who didn't know how to ice skate.


  1. Nice work ! But I found some common grammar mistakes but you can always so back and fix them. Good job naming the ice rink Tenzin!

  2. Tenzin, I think you will do better in you biology class the next semester. If you study really hard, you will get a good result at the end. That's really wonderful that you made more friend on the bus. I was really thankful that you help me to ice skate. I really like the picture of ice skating. Good job.

  3. Thanks for being so honest about your challenges with biology, history, and English. It often takes quite a bit of time to "get your groove" in a class and understand what is needed to achieve at a high level. I know you will continue to improve in Biology, but it will take persistance and patience.
    PS - I'm glad you enjoyed the EL Field Trip so much. We always want students to have new experiences and it sounds like you did just that!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I really like how you are honest with why you hate those classes.
    Because you are studying so hard, you will do good on biology soon or later :)
    Just keep on studying, I know you can do it!

  6. Very true ! In bio and English are one of the most hardest classes to deal with.

  7. I understand how it feels when you have a second language and sharing your personal feelings inside of you in those kind of difficult sitiuations or not having fluent English. Its a mutal feeling for me as well when I dont understand clearly in my classes. Its also a harder case when teachers are using a higher level of vocubulary. I am sure you will improve your skills by the end of the year beucuse all you have to do, is to pay more attention in class & study harder.!
    Nice job Tenzin:)

  8. Tenzin you are doing a great job in school, believing yourself and work hard, the success road are wait for you.

  9. I agree with you Tenzin, Biology is also one of the most difficult class i have this year, but if you begin to read the book before he does the presentation about the topic, it will help you a lot. Also it was a great experience going with our ESL classmate at the Depot Rink.
