Friday, November 30, 2012

The Red Planet

Mars, the red planet, is home to both the highest mountain and the deepest longest valley in the solar system. Mars is also a scary planet because no one that we know of lives there.  Mars has the largest volcanoes in the solar system. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the second smallest planet in the solar system. It’s named after the Roman god of war.
This NASA website gives the latest news about Mars.


A single winner could take as much as $360m before taxes. But the odds of scooping the top prize have been calculated at one in 175 million.
Tickets were selling at a rate of 130,000 a minute nationwide - about six times the volume from a week ago.
It is the second largest jackpot in history, behind a Mega Millions prize of $656m in March.
The jackpot has already rolled over 16 consecutive times without a winner, but Power ball officials say they now believe there is a 75% chance the winning combination will be drawn this time.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

News about Tibet

Going down in flames: Self-immolation in China and Tibet
In Tibet, Tibetan people have been protesting against the Chinese government for the past twenty years.
In the last three years in specific, the wide-scale protests and by the spring of 2008 have been followed by a growing line of personal self-immolations. Tibetan people are doing this because of Tibetan independence and the return of the Dalai Lama, and for Tibetans across the region to come together in loyal unity. Tibetan government don't want them to protest by sacrificing themselves. 87 Tibetans have been confirmed to have self-immolated inside Tibet since 2009. Most of them are males in the age of twenty but there are also some teenagers.

Self- immolation is when people put gasoline on their body and fire themselves.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Love Story

Esti Iubirea Mea.........
You are my love.......

Eduard Marian Ilie better known as Edward Maya, at the top right corner, is a Romanian musician, producer, performer, and composer. He graduated from George Enescu Music High School in Bucharest and is currently a final year student at the Bucharest Conservatory. I choose this artist's song because I was flabbergasted by the beauty of the video and the meaning behind the lyrics. 

Here are the lyrics to the song, instead of telling you what it means to me, I have decided you can listen to the song and read the lyrics and decide what they mean to you. Not because I'm lazy to tell you what they meant to me, but it would be better for you to have your own single-story. Although  I believe this song has different meaning for each individual that decides to listen to it. It's a beautiful music video and thoughtful.

I'm ready for love
I'm ready for you
I'm standing right here
I'm waiting for you...[X2]

You're running away, far from my life
I need u to save me n be by my side
I'm ready to love
I tried to let go,
I feel this straight from my heart
I'm ready to be, the woman for u
U standing right near me, made this moment so true
I'm still chasing my dreams, releasing my tears
Forever to hold you, forever to love you
You'll be crying for me...[x9]

In the end you'll find your own way home
Break my heart, take your love with you
Just let me quit and end this
Esti iubirea mea...[X4]

I'm ready for love
I'm ready for you
I'm standing right here
I'm waiting for you...[X2]

You're running away, far from my life
I need you to save me and be by my side
I'm ready to love
I tried to let go
I feel this straight from my heart
I'm ready to be the woman for you
U standing right near me, made this moment so true
I'm still chasing dreams, releasing my tears
Forever to hold you, forever to love you
You'll be crying for me

In the end you'll find your own way home
Break my heart, take your love with you
Just let me hold
Esti iubirea mea...[X6]

Choose the right words

Writing essays or State test can sound hard, but if you choose the right words to use, it can make you a better writer and also have higher score on any subject.  Teachers always say to use high educated words. I found a website that can help all of us. We can understand the word even if it sounds difficult by practicing new words everyday and also using it in your everyday life. There are a lot of words to choose, but there are three words that calle
d my attention are the following:
Enhance: (v) to improve, bring to a greater level of intensity.
The picture was black and white, so Mary add some colors to it to enhance the picture.
Scrutinize: (v) to observe carefully.

Lawyers scrutinize in their customers cases.
Tenacious: (adj) determined, keeping a firm grip on.
Athletes must be tenacious if they want to be on the Olympics.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Infographics: 50 Years of Bond Movies, Actors, Villains & Earnings

I love to watch movies and one of my favorite is 007. this movies have 50 years old. Here I find some info-graphics about James Bound. James bond series from 1962 - 2012. James Bond used $162 million in print, on screen used  $13.1 million, for an actor used $7.3 million. This 007 series used a lot of money. My favorite Bond is Daniel Craig because he have better action than any other James Bond.

James Bond: 50 Years of Movies
                                                     The Next One is The Best Bond
Best Bond

Friday, November 23, 2012

Middle East Conflicts

Isereal and Palestine 

     I chose to do this news because allot of people were talking about this everywhere and i guess it was important for the people to know whats happening right now bewteen these two contries isereal and plastine.   This makes me want to read more about this news  because its in the the middle east and im worried that this fight will come to Iraq too because then people will get killed as some people got killed in both contries. The Israel and Palestinian conflict is the ongoing struggle between isereal  and palastine that began in the early 20th century too now the same thing has  happened again. Whats happening in the event is that isereal attacked and killed one of the big guys who had power in Hamas. As a resulof it , palastine bombed some cities in isereal. so now isereal government said if they continue this they will kill the leader of Hamas. Around  160 people got killed in palestine  including the  civilans were killed in the eight day conflict. 50 people got killed in isereal. palastine rocket fire on Israeli cities.   Iserel also destroyed key symbols of Hamas power.


Thanksgiving !

         I had a lot of fun this year. spending time with family that you havent seen for a while and enjoying the amazing mexican food. Speaking of the foods, there where all types of foods. Of cours there was the traditional turkey, mashed potatos and mac and cheese. Eating the food all together as a whole family was just amazing, speding time wiht thoes you love and care about. every had a good time dancing and simply enjoying each others company. I enjoyed spending time with my girlfriend and dancing with her. After evryone was done eating and dancing, we sat down and just talked, took pictures, telling jokes, and abviously we watched soccer. i would give anyhting to re-live that night one more time, just to see all thoes smiles on everyone once again.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Mi Lindo Ecuador,Guayaquil!! 

This picture is in Ecuador,Guayaquil. It is a really famous place in Guayaquil. Many tourist go there. El Malecon stands along the west shore of the river that has an approximate length of 2.5 km.

Beaches in Guayaquil
This beach is call "Playa Montañita" 
is one of the famous beaches in Guayquil. 
           A lot of tourist goes there too.     

 This beach is called "Salinas." Salinas is it name because before was mined salt beaches. 
Mined: A dig in the earth from which rocks or minerals can be removed. 
 There are more beaches like: BallenitaVillamil and some others.
Guayaquil is one of the places that have a lot of seafood because is where we have lot of beaches and is a hot place.The most popular dish in Guayaquil is "ceviche, Encebollado, Patacones with cheese, Soup of bolas de verde, Rice with beans and roast beef,  Rice with chicken stew,Fried fish with patacones and Churrasco." Those are the most popular food in Guayaquil, but there some others. :)

Ceviche                                                                                       Encebollado 

Patacones with cheese                                                     Soup of bolas de verde 

Rice with beans and roast beef                                          Rice with chicken stew 

Fried fish with patacones                                                    Churrasco 

        I hope you guys enjoy my blog. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Prescription Drug Abuse: Young People at Risk


Prescription Drug Abuse: Young People at Risk

See text description below.

As you can see in this picture, Marijuana is one of the most common and hazardous drug abuse in this century we live in. I think teenagers should be more careful on what they doing and making smart decision. As you can see in the picture About 1 in 9 youth or 11.4 percent of young people aged 12 to 25 used prescription drugs nonmedically within the past year. (National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2010). On the bottom right graphic, it says,  Twenty-five percent of those who began abusing prescription drugs at age 13 or younger met clinical criteria for addiction sometime in their life. (National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2010). I think that is abousltly shocking to me because i never expect a 13 year old boy start smoking at this age.

The video im gonna show is a group of people at San Diego high school who are protesting against teen prescription drug abuse.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Adventures of Carlito - Vocabulary

Studying vocabulary isn't easy specially if you need to learn more than twenty words. What I do to study is find clues in the vocabulary or in the definition. I become familiar with the spelling of the word this helps me imprint it on my mind as I write the word, and spelling it. Also I say it out loud and try putting it in a sentence this helps me memorize the word more easily. Another strategy when I study is to find a nice, quiet place to work without people or distractions around me. I also read over the definitions of the word several times and write the definition as well. Using quizlet is one of the things I do also to help me prepare. I play the games and take the practice quizzes, this make studying a lot easier and less boring. I hope my strategies help you study for your next vocabulary test.

Here are some words from the new "Adventures of Carlito"

Diminutive -
Extremely or unusually small.
A smaller or shorter thing, in particular.
The 3-year-old made a diminutive figure standing between the other older and taller finalists.

  1. Tearful or given to weeping.
  2. Inducing tears; sad: "a lachrymose children's classic".
Synonyms:tearful - lachrymatory
Sentence : 
The lachrymose child cried all day about how he missed his mother.

Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
Synonyms:servile - subservient - slavish - menial - fawning
Sentence :
The princess had obsequious servants who showed her with attention.


Fitting in with someone's wishes or demands in a helpful way.
Synonyms:obliging - complaisant - compliant
The teacher often accommodate the demands of the student to extend an assignment's due date.

Chew (food).
Sentence :
I was poised on a bench masticating on some nachos.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

RIVER / Yellow Gold

When I was in the middle school, this song really encouraged me when I was upset.
The song is saying that there is a big, dark, deep river right in front of you (of course it's a metaphor), but if you accomplish crossing it, you can catch your dreams, in Japanese.
This song is sang by a girl's group called AKB48 (this link goes to the official channel in YouTube), and they are really popular to some people in Japan.
I really liked them before, but now I don't really care.
I still like their songs though, some of them are really good.

Actually I love this song more than the above right now,
Yellow Gold   by Jin Akanishi.
The song is in English, but his pronunciations are bad I can't hear what he's saying.
But I really love this music, so please listen!

Yellow Gold

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A closer look at Education Funding (Infographic)

This infographic and its blog were recently posted on an EL Educator site. I find it fascinating! Follow the color lines and discover how the U.S. spends the most on its school children, but our test scores come in closer to the bottom. What is holding our students back?

Add your comment below on how the U.S. can do a better job educating its students for less money. You can also comment on how your education in the U.S. differs from the education you received in your mother land.