Wednesday, May 15, 2013

3 Years that Created Most of What I Am Right Now

I used to be a C student.

During the three years of junior high school, I was on the girls’ basketball team in Japan. We never lost to nearby schools, and in my second year, the team won the state champion. As you can see, the team was very strong, but that also made it a very hard and strict club to be in. There were hardly any days without practice, and there were strict rules you must follow, such as you have to be a great student, and have to have short hair because long hair might distract you during the game. If you do anything wrong, in the worst case, you will be forced to leave the team. There were more than 10 people besides me planning to join this team in the beginning, but after few weeks of practice, only five (including myself) remained.

As I said, I used to be a C student. Our coach’s biggest belief was “Be a good student before being a good player”. But I always slept or did something else during classes, eventually making my test grades very poor. My homework was often late, and I always annoyed my coaches and teammates. Every time I got demanded to run outside for weeks for my punishment. Even though, I still handed in my homework late for about three more times. I really regret what I had done, and strongly desire to erase this history completely from everyone's mind (I don’t want to redo it even if I could because I don’t want to experience the extremely hard practices again). But I know that these three years were really worth it, because I learned manners that would really help me out there in the world, not just how to play basketball. I learned to never be late in handing in assignments again, and to study hard at school.


  1. wow keeyu nice post. I think you had a thought schedule school and sports and other actives, and i never knew you played basketball.

  2. Wow! Keeyu I really like your blog, specially the way how you explained us how you were before.You must felt really good that your team won the state champion. I want to see you play basketball someday. Its a little bit hard to keep up with homework when you are in a sport, but we can always make at least a little bit of time to study and do homework too. I learned something new about. Thank you sharing your story, I really like it. Nice job Keeyu! :)

  3. I really enjoyed reading this. It reminds of me because I play soccer and it really does get difficult to balance both school and sports. Like you said,"be a good student before being a good player" is always going to be true to anyone not just you.

  4. I never knew you play basketball, you don't even look like a C student! I'm glad you realize that school is more important than sports. good job Keeyu!(:

  5. Wow, you have inspired me to chase my dreams and I really enjoy the story

  6. I never knew you played BAsketball. Wow I like your stoy seems intresting to me.:)

  7. Nice Blog Keeyu and, I really like how you didn't only talk about basketball but also how did the sport affected you in your studies. I'm proud of you! because you didn't gave up basketball and try to be better in your other classes. It is also surprising that you guys have to cut your hair really short in order to play.

  8. These are great pictures and an honest story about an important lesson learned. I'm glad you are taking this lesson to heart and making positive changes. Have you ever thought about trying out for the Edina Basketball team?

    1. I'm thinking about trying out for the Edina basketball team.
      I used to not like sports anymore because the hard practices became a light trauma to me.
      But 2 years have past, and I started to realize that I still had fun in basketball.
      Maybe I will try out next year but I'm scared because I heard that the junior year is the hardest and I don't know if I can keep up with my schoolwork.

  9. Basketball is my life. I love playing it and watching it even thought I am not good at playing it. I am really proud of you that you can play basketball and not only you played basketball but got championship.

  10. Thanks for posting this blog, Keeyu. I always appreciate it when people are willing to write about uncomfortable truths in their lives and what they learned from those experiences. Keep it up!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Wow Keeyu, I never knew that you could play basketball. Good job, and I am glad that you learned a lesson, I am proud of you.
