Thursday, September 27, 2012

Transformation - SAT Vocabulary Flocabulary

I have a vocabulary test tomorrow so I started comparing words to the definition on Quizlet. But there were many words in the definition that I did not get the meanings. So, to some words I added more definition for myself to study. These are the words that will be on the test below.

Myopic – short-sighted
Ratiocinate – to think, contemplate (to think hard)
Render – to say, or to make people (thing) do something
Recapitulate – to repeat, reiterate (repeat)
Loquacious - talkative
Verbose - wordy
Gregarious – sociable (like to be in groups)
Elocution – the art of public speaking (how to speak)s
Circumlocution – indirect language
Recalcitrant - defiant
Cogent – intelligent, viable
Seminal – original, ground-breaking
Meritorious – deserving of praise of merit
Redact – to revise, edit
Placate – to soothe, appease (make people calm down)
Tedious – boring, dull
Tomes – a large book
Peruse – to examine carefully
Entomology – the study of insects
Ostracize – to exclude (opposite word is include) from a community
Pariah – an outcast
Persevere – to persist (continue through), remain constant
Latent – present but hidden
Burgeon – to come forth, blossom
Diligently – carefully, showing care
Paragon – model of perfection, example
Commodious – spacious, roomy
Clairvoyant – able to see and detect things that others cannot
Cosmopolitan – wordly, sophisticated, international
Vast – enormous, immense
Voluminous – large, ample
Exorbitant – excessive (too big)
Extravagant – excessive, over-the-top
Colossus – an enormous structure
Synopsis – a summary
Cadence - rhythm
Cavort – to prance, dance about
Boisterous – loud, energetic
Daft – insane, foolish
Deft – skilled, adept

This is the song that goes up with the vocabularies.

These words will not be on the test (hopefully), but I still wanted to learn the meanings so I looked it up.

Paradox – looks right but it is not
Harbinger – a person who leads something new
Ambiguous – more then one meaning/possibility
Vague – unclear, not specific

By the way, I really like this word. It sounds really cool to me.

Vignette – small/short stories connected together
(vign = vine, ette = small in French)


  1. You did a really good job Keeyu. This vocab is really helpful for us. I really like it because you put some other vocab that were not in the vocab that the teacher gave us.:)

  2. Intelligent Vocabs, Good Job ! :)

  3. Thank you Keeyu, This vocab help me got 100% on the test.

    1. You're very welcome!
      I'm happy that you got 100% on your test by my post.

  4. hey this really hleped me with my test.

  5. You're very welcome guys!
    Actually I'm really surprised because I never thought that this post will help you guys.
    Because I posted this blog late for the test and I just did it for myself but anyways, I'm really happy that you guys liked this post. Thanks and thanks for commenting!

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