Monday, September 10, 2012

Music Monday: Garden of Your Mind Remix: Teacher Demo

Growing up, one of my favorite television shows was Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. If you’ve never seen it, Mr. Rogers was a simple 30 minute show that consisted of one cardigan clad middle-aged man who lead the viewer in memorable and easy to sing songs, lessons on how everyday items were created, the importance of personal hygiene, what it means to be neighborly, and the power of an imagination. I absolutely loved it and Fred Rogers became a bit of a guru for me. I will fully admit that while home on breaks from college or thereafter, I would gladly settle on PBS and watch Mister Rogers just as I did when I was little…and I always learned something!

The Mister Rogers, Fred Rogers, passed away in 2003 but his legacy lives on. His life was full and included many special recognitions and awards, including being inducted into the Television Hall of Fame in 1999.

PBS digital studios recently came up with an ingenious Remix of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. I think it does a fabulous job of capturing the inspiration and imagination we take away from this amazing program. And it’s a song I think kids today can enjoy, even though they may have never watched the original MRN.

Enjoy the Remix: Mister Rogers Remixed - Garden of Your Mind


  1. I really like this song, especially where he says "Did you ever grow anything in your garden of your mind".

    But is he really singing this song?
    Or did someone edited his voice and put a music on it.

  2. OMG this is awesome, I like it garden of your mind. thanks Mrs.Schutz it with us.
