Thursday, April 18, 2013

My favorite Magazines

Magazines On The Go! 

The absolute magazine that I would take take on a trip would have to be EURO Sports. This magazine is updated with the latest soccer equipment cleats, uniforms and so much more. I also like it because you can buy your favorite club, player or country's jersey as well. It is also a great magazine to read with a friends who is also into soccer as much as me. They sell cleats for little kids too, this magazine is for all kinds of people, young, old, women and even female. 
to see this magazine, please follow this link;

The second magazine I would have to bring is a game informer from Game Stop. This is really helpful for a gamer that likes to know the newest games or game systems that are coming out. You can also pre order games that are coming out, pre ordering games make you pay less when the game is in the store and the game comes with extra items, but it depends what kind of game you pre ordered. the Game Informer also gives you cheat codes to certain games that can help you finish the game or just to have more fun while you are playing it with friends or online. 
to see this magazine, please follow this link;

Sport Illustrated would have to be my third choice because its about sports. This magazine is a great way to be up to date with scores, matches, teams and much more in the top sports of the United States. you can read about your favorite players or read about rookies that are becoming big in the sports world. This magazine will write about a lot of famous players, legends, stadiums and calenders of the games for that week 

to see this magazine, please follow this link;  


  1. I really like the sports illustration magazine because I am a very big fan of basketball and also I am big fan of Jeremy Lin. I don't know much about Lin and many other legends so it would be nice to read this magazine.

  2. I like the descriptions you made to each magazines. Nice job :) But the links should be in hyperlinks so I think you should go back and fix it.

  3. I have never heard about "gameinformer" that's a new magazine for me. You give a good explanation of the magazines. Nice job!

  4. I would love to read sports illustration magazine, it look like have all the sports in it.

  5. Nice blog! I learned that you really like sports. Even though the only familiar magazine that I know is Sports Illustration, they all seem interesting.

  6. Im a really big fan of sports and im happy that "Sport Illustrated" was your top 3

  7. Good Job, Bryon! I also like the magazine Gameinformer.
