Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Protesting In New York

Protesting In New York City

Today, In New York Tibetan people from all over the US,Canada,and Europe came to New York to protest because there are too many Tibetan people who areSelf-immolating for nothing, so Tibetan people wants the United Nation to help Tibet but the United Nation is not doing anything. Today, there are thousands of Tibetan people protesting in New York to let United Nations know what is going on in Tibet even though they might know about it. Many Tibetan are doing this because they can't or don't want any more Tibetan people to self-immolate. If someone self-immolate now in Tibet then the whole will be killed or in jail. That's what the Chinese government are telling Tibetan people to scare them.

 Sorry I couldn't find a video to put because it was today so there were no YouTube video nut still i found this on my Facebook.This is what they did today in New York in front of United Nation.   


  1. Good information about United Nations. Could you add more details about self-immolation? I don't know how people light themselves on fire and if they all die. Mrs. Roehl

  2. Thanks for commenting and there is another blog which talks about self-immolation more. So you can go and check my other blog which is called News about Tibet.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think it was a really good idea to protest in New York because the United Nations have the power to stop the Chinese government. I respect those people who are risking their lives to stop their people self-immolating. But I also think that it will be hard to accept this protest for the United Nations because if they suddenly go against the Chinese government the relation between might get bad and there will be chances to go into another big war. So the Tibetans should protest more, in other strong countries too so the Chinese won't even think about war between all that countries that Tibetans had protested. This is my own opinion and sorry if I said something wrong because of my stupidness :)

  5. That's really astounding how people from other country came to New York to protest. I think Tibetan people should be heard in all around the world. I think most of the people don't know about whats is going on in Tibet. It is really important that they are protesting because that way they could be heard. I hope one day Tibetan people will not suffer anymore. Nice information Tenzin.

  6. After I read this blog I feel sad because so many Tibetan people that self-immolate still can't make a change. However I hope Tibetan people will get freedom from China.

  7. I think it was a great idea to protest and letting the world whats happening in Tibet.

  8. I like that the Tibetan people is standing up for what they want, and letting people know about the situation.
