Thursday, February 28, 2013

Martin Luther KIng

                                                      Martin Luther King Jr Histoy

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. King, both a Baptist minister and civil-rights activist, had a seismic impact on race relations in the United States, beginning in the mid-1950s. Among many efforts, King headed the SCLC. Through his engagement, he played a key role in ending the legal segregation of African-American citizens in the South and other areas of the nation, as well as the creation of the Civil Rights. He led non-violent protests to fight for the rights of all people including African Americans. He hoped that America and the world could become a colorblind society where race would not impact a person's civil rights. He is considered one of the great speakers of current times and his speeches still inspire many to this day. In his first major civil rights action, Martin Luther King Jr . led the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This started when Rosa Parks refused to move to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. As a result, Martin led a boycott of the public transportation system. The boycott lasted for over a year. It was very tense at times. Martin was arrested and his house was bombed, but in the end he succeeded and segregation on the Montgomery busses ended.

 I chosed to do Marthin Luther King JR because he had inspired  Many African and American people. He had made the world  better between black and white because there was rascicms going on as well as not having equal rghts within each other. For example, white people had more freedom than the black people. White poeple basically could do anything they wanted during that late century. They had more power than African americans did. I learned that he had a simple mission which that was to unite the world as one which that means it doesnt matter where your from or what skin colr you have as long we all have our equal rights and freedom. His speech was basically about  That one day he wants it to be, that boys and girls of all races are treated all the same, and there was no spliting of the races at all. 

This is a video of one of his speech called "I have a Dream".


  1. Sheraz - You chose to write about one of the most important figures in the civil rights movement. I'd love to hear more about why you chose Dr. Martin Luther King and what you learned about him that you didn't know before. I wish you could use more of your own wording instead of relying on for the text.

  2. I actually didn't know almost anything about Martin Luther King so this article really taught me who he was and what he did. I was very surprised that his house got bombed. Who did that? Did the government demand to do it?
