Friday, February 8, 2013

Jack Roosevelt Robinson

Jack Roosevelt Robinson born  Cairo, Georgia January 31, 1919. He was the youngest of five children. He gave up the football career to join the U.S. Army in 1942. While a member of the armed forces, he faced charges for refusing to move to the back of bus. The day that Jackie and led him to dedicate himself to the fight for equality in American Society. After leaving the army in 1944, he played in the Negro Leagues. Opposing crowds and ballplayers often taunted Robinson, and some players on his own team did not support him. However Jack never give up , and he won the MVP award in 1949. Robinson was able to further his passion for equality. He spoke out against injustice, testified before the House of Representatives, and served on the board of the NAACP. He death in 1972, his wife Rachel Imus established the Jackie Robinson Foundation, which honors his legacy and provides scholarships to youth.


  1. That's wonderful that he didn't gave up and won the MVP award. I didn't know about him but now I do. Nice job Jeff.

  2. Interesting that you and Abdul picked the same person to feature. Did you find any differences or surprises in your research?


  3. I really like that Jack Roosevelt Robinson spoke out against injustice. Your blog really inform me!

  4. WOW.. I am really proud of Robinson that he never gave up his career and on the other hand he fought for equality.
