Thursday, October 25, 2012

NEW   Congratulation to Jeff Hardy is the New TNA World Heavyweight Champion. It is not easy for Jeff to win the title, he have to win the  "Bound For Glory Series".  The series that Twelve IMPACT WRESTLING Superstars battle in grueling series of matches with the ultimate prize on the line - a World Championship Match in the main event at October’s “Bound For Glory” Pay-Per-View. And Jeff Hardy with the 49 points to make himself to the Final Four. At the TNA PPV No Surrender, Jeff defeat  Samoe Joe and Bully Ray at the same night. Then He won a World Championship Match

At the Greatest TNA PPV Bound For Glory, Jeff Hardy succeed defeat Austin Aries and won the six times World Heavyweight Champions of his career. Now He replica the New TNA World Heavyweight Champion belt.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

These are some words that i am struggling to understand in my U.S Government class ;

  • Ampitheatrer -  Is an open air stadium thats is used for entertainment and performances
                          - The collisium in Rome can be one example of an ampitheater.               


  • Arthashastra - It is an ancient book that was created by the government advisor, Kautilya. In other words, The ruler's hand book.
                                - In acient time the arthashatra was constantly used through out the years. 

  • Bureaucracy - It was a large group of people in the Indian government and also has alot of layers.
                                - India, just like Ameica had a huge group of people working for the govenrment.

One Republic

One Republic: Secrets

 Secrets are something that everybody has and its hard to talk about them. This person gets sick of all the acting and all the secrets because he feels like the lies are changing him and he's losing himself so he wants to tell the truth because its so hard to keep up with his own lies. I think the song One Republic is saying that it's better to tell the truth instead of living a life of only lies and also it's saying that he doesn't have anyone to tell his secrets so he try to finds someone who he can tell all his secrets and be himself with that person.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Obesity in the United States

 Do you think Obesity is a big problem is the United States

As you see in this picture above, Yes Obesity is one of the biggest problem in the USA. Just by looking at the picture and the percentage, we can see that in USA is the one that has the biggest problem of obesity around the world. In the United States most of the food that is packed is made mostly of corn syrup.In this article I read, it says that obesity is the growth of hormones that people give to the animals and that is the meat that we eat. Also in the United States there are a lot of restaurants of fast food. For example, McDonald is one of the most popular fast food in the United States, not only in USA but around the word too. 

File:Obesity state level estimates 1985-2010.gif

This is a map is showing the percentage of obesity from 1985-2010.

In 1980-2008 the percentage of obesity in children 2-5 years, the percentage increased from 5.0% to 12.4%. The age of 6 to 11 years tripled from 6.5%  to 19.6%.The age of 12-19 years, the percentage increased from 5.0% to 17.6%.

This map is from 2011. We still have obesity. This was just last year.  
If you wanna read more about obesity is a big problem in the United States, you can go to all the links I put there under the pictures. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Shakespeare Is Hip-Hop

I know that this is not my day, and Sherazita already did this in the post before, but I also made this for myself anyways and thought that I should share this with you guys so you guys won't have to look each of these myriad words' definition. As last time, I changed some of these words' definition to make myself easier to understand.

Quotidian – daily, everyday
Fey - magical
Gay – happy, cheery, or homosexual
Pervasive – make it to spread
Douse – to soak, fill, or load to capacity
Pliable – flexible, bendable
Neologism – the creation of new words, or a new word
Commendable – worthy of praise
Profuse – spend many money, produce a lot, abundant
Abundant – a great number, myriad, plethora, profuse
Radiant – bright, beaming
Fecund – fertile, fruitful
Forestall – to delay, disturb
Poach – to hunt or fish illegally
Fetter – to hold back, control, chain, tie
Figurative - symbolic
Myriad – many, of great numbers, plethora, abundant
Plethora – plenty, a great number, myriad, abundant

Sacrosanct – holy
Fabricate – to invent, make up, concoct
Facile - easy
Fatuous – silly, foolish
Perfunctory – be into something, interest, done as duty
Mandatory – required, not optional

Flaccid - limp
Flabbergasted – surprised
Forage – to rummage, scavenge, graze for food
Licentious – dirty words, lewd
Lewd – vulgar, offensive, rude, licentious
Profane – improper, licentious, lewd
Fortuitous – lucky, fortunate, making fortunate discoveries by accident

Abrogate – to destroy completely, often by authority
Algid – extremely cold
Brumal – wintry, related to winter (not hiemal)
Hiemal – wintry, related to winter (not brumal)
Impecunious – excessively poor
Hapless – unlucky
Hiatus – a break
Gregarious – sociable, outgoing
Inquisitor – someone who asks questions, questioner
Iniquity – an evil act, a sin
Goad – to force forward, make people mad
Ingenious – marked by special intelligence
Subsist – to live, exist
Notoriety – known in bad regard
Blandish – to coax through flattery
Flattery – compliments, sycophancy

Innocuous - harmless
Neonate – a newborn baby
Incessant – without interruption
Narrate – to tell a story
Flout – to scorn, ignore
Pedagogue – a school teacher
Buffet – to hit or strike, beat


The song

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

shakespeare Hip Hop vocab


                                            Shakespehere Hip Hop Vocabulary

                                          1. Abrogate -verb  to abolish,often by authority.
                                        sentence -       Hitler abrogated the jews.
                                     2. Impecunious - adjective having little or no money.penniless  poor.
                              sentence -      i walked by the homeless knowing that they are impecunious.

                                3.  inquisitor - noun  someone who asks questions or makes an inquiry.
                                    sentence -    The boy in the road was quite inquistive in nature..



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Japanese Smileys!!

After reading Brenda's post, I thought of showing you guys the Japanese smileys we often use in Japanese texts. These are the most common ones:

(≧▽≦) :happy, smile

 Σ(´∀`;) :surprised

(T_T) :crying

(´・ω・`) :sad

( #`Д´) :mad

( ´ー`)y─┛ (,,゚Д゚)y─┛ :smoking

m(_ _)m :I'm sorry

Different from America's smileys, in Japan there are too many smileys existing so no one knows the exact number of smileys that exist. Some smileys use Russian characters to create it.

By the way I really like these two smileys right now:

This is showing a pose like this:

I think this is easy, so please try!

orz, OTZ

You can make something like this if you do hard!

I wanted to show you guys some more Japanese smileys, but there are too many and I am actually really sleepy right now so I will stop here.

If you got interested in Japanese smileys, I really recommend this site so please look at it for even just a second. This site explains many kinds of Japanese smileys in English very nicely.

If there are smileys that you don't understand, please ask me. I will try my best to explain it to you!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Because I'm stupid - OST of Boys Over Flower

By: SS501

I chose this song because I got into Korean dramas and music after watching the drama Boys Over Flower. From the moment I started watching it, I notice there was a huge difference of what i have seen before in television, so I fell in love and wanted to learn more about Korea. This song is sung by the group SS501, this group is formed by five boys, each one has a roll in the group. They are one of my favorite groups in Kpop even though they are now promoting their solo album due to company disagreement having them all together. Well in 2009 they sang the main song of the drama Boys Over Flowers. Because I'm stupid talks about a boy that loves a girl but she doesn't love him back. He protects her and make sure she doesn't get hurt by anyone. I also like this song because it involves many instruments and it slow and soft to hear when you want to rest or relax yourself

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The lucky one

The lucky one
A Las Vegas taxi driver found $221,510 while cleaning out his van last month.
Adam Woldemarim, the driver, discovered the cash stuffed in a soft laptop case that was left between the seats of the Virgin Valley Cab vehicle. Woldemarim then did what anyone feeling lucky in Sin City would do: He turned it in.
The 42-year-old from Ethiopia took the case to the cab company's security office, which soon got a call from the case's owner, who "won big at the Wynn and was on his way to the airport when he [realized] he forgot a little something."
Woldemarim was called back to the security office, where the big winner gave him a $2,000 reward.
But according to the Review-Journal, Woldemarim's friends and fellow cabdrivers are wondering where the rest of his tip is:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Vocab for Esl Students


1.      Oblivion (N): The state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening
          In just couple months we have gone from near oblivion to delirium.

2.      Eulogy (N):  A speech that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died.
I had to write a Eulogy for this one person funeral.

3.      delirium (N): a state of excitement and mental confusion.
          My delirium cause by my high fever

Pictures for the vocab

Oblivion :                                                     Eulogy:                                                  Delirium:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

T3xting LOL

Texting has become a form of entertainment. I think textting is useful to modify arrangements. Texting is less intrusive than actually calling a person. When texting you can read it at at your own convenience and you don't have to respond unless you feel like it. It is also handy for those friends you need to tell something to but wont ever get off the phone during a call. Mostly, texting is use for sending out quick information, like a time and place, phone number, email address, etc. Texting is much more useful because when the things needed to say they can be accomplished in fewer words. Texting has lead peope to invent their own kind of language by using symbols and abbreviations when texting. Symbols like these :) ^.^ :3 >.< :D ;) (/.\) <3 :P o.O, represents different kind of emotions. Abbereations like " brb, LOL, gtg, wyd, ttyl, Asap, omg, & ily " are faster for texting. A text will always be on their phone sitting there like a voice mail waiting for a reply.

Physicians say that textng has lead to anxiety, distraction in school, falling grades,stress and sleeping issues.Texting can lead to muscular  damage disorders to your thumbs. Texting can be use for entertaiment and a way to communicated around the word but, it can aso bring you damages to your life. 


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