Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Was I Expecting You?

For my last blogging of the year I decided to describe an event that took place many times in my memory. This memory is very important to me because it came true. I guess is true what people say if you really wish for it, it might as well come true.

It happen a couple of days later after my birthday. I was at my Tia Morena’s house her daughter and I had being singing along to Barney. When all of the sudden my Tia walks in the room after answering the phone, and next thing I know I am running toward my house. I remember that everything around me was spinning and I thought for a second that I was trapped in one of those cartoons were the characters never seem to reach the end of the road. In that moment, while I was running, I tried to remember what my Tia had exactly told me when with her phantom face like if she herself has seen a miracle happen in front of her. Or like if she had seen into the future and witness the upcoming apocalypse, told that my mom was back. In the moment, I wish I was a fly in the wall so I would have seen myself turn into a phantom, not even worst probably. My feelings for my mom had not vanished either evaporate, but replaced. In an instance around of thoughts formulated in my head of how this person might look like after five years. Would she recognize me? Or have I change enough for her, that we cannot be related to each other anymore. What should I call her? These entire questions invaded my mind, and then it hit me a branch of the front door tree. My other Tia, my mother’s sister, had taken care of my brother and me since this person went away. Her name is Blanca, but we always called her Loly without any reasonable reason. As she opens the door for me, I immediately  step into the living room making my way to the dining room when I stop and see I shape, a figure that I am supposed to identify, but cannot. The same figure goes up to me with tears rushing down her face and gives me a big koala hug. Like one of those hugs that she would give me before tucking me into bed. In the moment I realized that all the way home I was too crying, but my tears were empty as if I was dreaming. Who was this lady who I am supposed to call Mami? 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Yo Amo Futbol 

                The first time I got into the most amazing sport in the world, was when I turned 5 years old. My dad would always watch it and I didn’t know what was going on at first, I was lost, his screaming scared me. Until one day, he sat me with him and we were watching Club America, which is my favorite soccer team today.  Eventually it became our regular routine to watch the games every weekend and I got use to all the yelling smacking me across the face. Once the summer came, I got signed up for Urban Stars, my first soccer team.  A lot of kids had trouble playing, I was the little star of the team, I would get subbed out because I scored to many goals. My early years of soccer were really fun and I met a lot of kids through the years.
                I was 8 when I joined my first soccer club, Minneapolis United, and traveled around Minnesota and out of state. It was also the first time i had to do a try out to make a team, it was hard but I made the C2 team for U8. I went to so many places that I have never seen before, it was just a great experience for me at a very young age. My parents supported me and went to all my home games and after the season was over I got moved up to C1, Which is the next level of soccer. I played with them for 3 years. 2 years later I was introduced to this new soccer club that had just come from Mexico, Cruz Azul. There were a lot of Mexicans and they were really good players too, which made try outs a lot harder. The team I made was C3, we started at the beginner level, but worked our way all the way to Premiere and some player, including myself, got moved up the U16 premier team and I was only 14 years old! Soccer was my life before high school started, now it’s hard to do both things at the same time, but if I don’t give up I can play for varsity and keep my grades up.  

Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Role Model

My Role Model

My role model is Bruno Sammartino. He was a greatest wrestler and he was 4040 days as WWF champion. The longest single WWE Championship reign in professional wrestling history. Why he inspired me? He had a very horrible children hood. He born in Italy, he was the youngest of seven brothers and sisters. He four older siblings died because the Nazis during the World War II. He had to run away from the Nazis and he almost died for several times. And his moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the United States for a better life. Then he got bullies around because he was small and he had a tenuous grasp of English, but then he started to lift and build himself up in the weight training, he was work very hard and then he devotion to wrestling. He was getting big and better, all the sudden all the bully was disappear. He joined the World Wide Wrestling Federation company and he became a great WWF champion. He became famous wrestler, he not only wrestling in front a million people, he inspired a million teens that get on sport and lift weight, also made them stay away from drug, alcohol, gang and all the crazy stuffs. What a great immigrant story and a great inspiration to this country - the United State. Bruno Sammartino and me are both immigrant to this country, we both have a tenuous grasp English, because we have so much comment and the success that he had, it is very inspire me. His story made me motivates to never give up, and toward me to work hard each day at school, sports and finding a job. Even those that I looking for a part-time job about two years, I will apply more applications and I believe one day the dream will come true like Bruno survived from the Nazis.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

coming to America

Significant Event    
    The most significant event in my life occurred when I came to America. It was my first day of kindergarten .I arrived in, . My family brought me to the United States from Kurdistan. I don't remember much because I was so young. What I do remember is when we arrived to America. We moved from Kurdistan, a city located in North Iraq. My life in America was very difficult because I faced so many struggles, such as my first day of  school. I struggled during school because I did not know how to speak English. This created a very uncomfortable situation for me at school because I did not know how to speak with my classmates. My parents on the other hand, did not know how to speak English either. which made life even more difficult. Where I'm from,we speak a language called Kurdish.Its nothing like English so, I felt isolated. It was difficult to learn and speak another language from my classmates, separated by a language gap. All of the students I was around could speak English and communicate very well. I felt nervous everyday on my way to school. Every day on the bus I thought,"This is a new world to me" My parents pushed their children to be successful through education. Therefore education was very important to me. I  decided I was not ready to start school. I stopped going because the students were disrespectful and behaved horribly towards teachers and foreign students.
When I first stepped into kindergarten, I was already aware that some of the students would be racist I had a feeling that students would react in a negative way when they met me. Every time they walked up to me they made fun of me. As life went by, I decided it was another chance to start class.When i entered my kindergarten classroom the second time, I had my dad with me. he wanted to be sure that I would get to class safely. Right after my dad left, tears started falling down from both my right and left eyes. I did not want my dad to leave, so I grabbed him as tight as I could.With tears I told him"They will eat me". I knew the students from my classroom would not actually eat me,but I still had the feeling the kids would hate me at the the same time imginng not speaking English at all and trying to participate at school. The difficulty Immigrants face, coming to the united states, not able to speak English. This event taught me never to racist and help students who migrated from another country. That is why this was a really important memory to share with you guys.


Role Model

My role model 

My only role model and my motivation is my mother, why? She's is a beautiful independent single parent who works more than she should at, Mall of America , just so she can be buy me and my sister the things I need and don't need. My mother isn't like those boring regular mother she is better; she is like a best friend to me because I get to joke around her and just be myself and she does the same. My mother has influence me to finish high school and go to college and become whatever I want to be in life. As a high school student I have seen my mother work really hard to give me and my sister everything she never had. She is my motivation for becoming important in life; I get up every morning with a positive attitude. Thinking to myself that years and years go by and I’m this close to finishing high school, and soon I would go on my own to collage. I look up to my mother because she is preparing me to take the obstacles life has to bring me, to go after my goals by working hard and accomplishing them. I have planned the road ahead and now it is time to walk to give everything my mom needs, to thank her for supporting me and pushing me when I give up. I want to be able to be like my mother, an independent woman. I know I have disappointed my mother several times but I committed  myself to do good in school to repair the failures I have done so my mother can be proud of me. When I become A pilot my mom will never ever have to work she will have everything, her only job would have to be only see me succeed in life and enjoying life. " Failure is part of life, failure is essential for success for everyone because I always learn from your mistakes. You just need to put full effort in completing a task in order to not fail."

Tuesday, May 21, 2013



     One of the most significant sports that is important to me is basketball, which is also identified as NBA. Before I came here I didn’t really know anything about basketball because I have only seen people playing it, but I have never played basketball before I came to the US. When I came to the US I went to South View Middle School, there I had gym class and in the gym we played basketball. Since that day I started to love play basketball and watch basketball on tv. Playing basketball is a great way to exercise and a great way to have fun with friends. Basketball is very fun to watch on tv because when you watch it you can take the moves you see the professional’s perform and add them to your style of play. I try to take many of my moves from professional basketball players. Even though I am not that a good player but still I try very hard to get better and I love playing it and watching it. Basketball in my opinion the best thing I can do with my friends to have fun while burning a few calories. I see basketball as a fun and easy way to have fun rather than sitting on the couch all day playing video games. I love basketball is becauseI need only myself to play the game or I can play with teammates. I prefer to have others to play with rather than just playing alone. To me there is not only one word that I can describe basketball. You meet tons of people and you are able to play with your friends for hours without getting one thought of boredom. One thing I love about basketball is that people have and can make many different styles of play. There are styles such as a passer, playmaker, shooter, defensive player, and dunker or high-flyer.  When you play basketball you feel much more confident and makes you not care much about how others think about you. Many people have creative ideas and find new ways to trick the opposing players. Basketball is a great way to get your mind off things and is also a great way to express yourself. It is a sport that can work your whole body. It play a very big role in my life because I try to watch every game and play it when I have time. Also playing and watching basketball is my passion and I want to learn everything about basketball everyday. 

Monday, May 20, 2013


     Badminton is one of the sports I adore playing.  I have been on the badminton team for two years now. My first year of badminton I tried to be a JV player. I mostly played as an exhibition, is a lower level for badminton and the points doesn't really count. Later on I played as a JV. I was really proud of myself. One thing I struggled during my first year of badminton was trying to smash during games. The couch tried to teach me how to smash, but for some reason it was really tough for me. I was a double and single player. I didn't like playing as a double player because I and my partner couldn't communicate. She only wanted to catch all the shots and not let me play as a double partner. That year I was a freshman and I didn't worry too much about school. I was confident that I was going to do well in school.
My second year of badminton went fantastic. My mom at first she wouldn't let me be in the badminton team. She thought that I wasn't going to have time to do my homework. She said that since is my first year of high school, it was going to be hard for me. I told her that not because I was going to join badminton again doesn't mean I was going to stop studying. I did get good grades and I reminded her that it all depends in yourself, if you really want to be successful. This second year of badminton I mostly played as JV and it really surprised me when the coach told me I was going to play as Varsity.  That second year I became a good player that I could smash on games. Every time we have a game, I got really nervous. Badminton is a sport that I never thought I was going to be so enthusiastic and passionate about it. I had lot of fun playing badminton. I think that badminton has an important role in my life.