Monday, May 13, 2013

The Best Winter Vacation!

The Best Winter Vacation!

Winter was one of my favorite seasons in Ecuador. I start my three month vacation during that time. Since I was young I loved these months because I could play with my cousins and visit some of my relatives that lived in different parts of Ecuador. The most memorable vacation I had was when I was about 12 years old.  I went to Santa Maria, Manabi which is a beautiful place surrounded by nature. Whenever I went there, I saw lots of animals outside each house. Most of the animals were pigs, donkeys, chicken, etc. I learned what things these animals ate, even though I wasn’t expecting them to eat left over and it was surprising when I saw pigs and donkeys eating banana peel. I also got to meet nice people. I can still remember how one night everyone in the village met outside a house. I was stunned by how many people were there. They all met there for one purpose, to pray to “El Nino de Caracol” which means the snail boy. El Nino de Caracol is a porcelain image of a boy inside a snail shell, which every year the image of the boy comes out of the shell miraculously. That night everyone lit a candle to the image. The owner of the house made food for all of us, and later we went to the streets and sing to the boy and god. After that day we went to visit my great grandma’s house. It was pretty and old. The house was basically made of cane woods, and it was surrounded by mandarin trees, cacao trees, and breadfruit trees. I loved to eat all this and I miss the flavors each fruit has. When night arrived, you could hear sounds of the insects. The emptiness of this city at night was kind of scary but peaceful. The rest of my one week vacation was fun, enjoying the nature with my grandparents, and relatives. Hopefully my next visit to Ecuador, I could go to this beautiful place and experience great things with the people I love.


  1. Wow, Its a great place to visit. Hopefully i can vist there someday in my life

  2. I didn't know that pigs and donkeys eat banana peels.
    The event "El Nino de Caracol" sounds interesting.
    So can you make your own chocolate from the cacao trees?
    If you can, I will be really jealous because chocolate is my most favorite thing to eat in the world :)

    1. I think you can make your own chocolate but you need to have a special machine in order to do it. And yes the ceremony for El nino de caracol is interesting because of the followers it has and how people are devoted to it. Even my grandparents had him in their house!

  3. Karen, your blog made me want to visit the beautiful place you wrote about! Good Job (:

  4. That's one of my favorite place to go for vacation when I was in Ecuador. I like it there because is really quiet, I can hear the animals make their noises which I really enjoy it. I like your blog Karen because you made me remember the good times we had when we were there. I will never forget that day. Nice job sister. :)

  5. You make this place sound so peaceful! I've never heard of this tradition (EL Nino de Caracol) and I always love learning about practices that my students have in their home countries.

  6. El nino de caracol sounds interesting, I wish I could go there someday.
