Thursday, October 18, 2012

Shakespeare Is Hip-Hop

I know that this is not my day, and Sherazita already did this in the post before, but I also made this for myself anyways and thought that I should share this with you guys so you guys won't have to look each of these myriad words' definition. As last time, I changed some of these words' definition to make myself easier to understand.

Quotidian – daily, everyday
Fey - magical
Gay – happy, cheery, or homosexual
Pervasive – make it to spread
Douse – to soak, fill, or load to capacity
Pliable – flexible, bendable
Neologism – the creation of new words, or a new word
Commendable – worthy of praise
Profuse – spend many money, produce a lot, abundant
Abundant – a great number, myriad, plethora, profuse
Radiant – bright, beaming
Fecund – fertile, fruitful
Forestall – to delay, disturb
Poach – to hunt or fish illegally
Fetter – to hold back, control, chain, tie
Figurative - symbolic
Myriad – many, of great numbers, plethora, abundant
Plethora – plenty, a great number, myriad, abundant

Sacrosanct – holy
Fabricate – to invent, make up, concoct
Facile - easy
Fatuous – silly, foolish
Perfunctory – be into something, interest, done as duty
Mandatory – required, not optional

Flaccid - limp
Flabbergasted – surprised
Forage – to rummage, scavenge, graze for food
Licentious – dirty words, lewd
Lewd – vulgar, offensive, rude, licentious
Profane – improper, licentious, lewd
Fortuitous – lucky, fortunate, making fortunate discoveries by accident

Abrogate – to destroy completely, often by authority
Algid – extremely cold
Brumal – wintry, related to winter (not hiemal)
Hiemal – wintry, related to winter (not brumal)
Impecunious – excessively poor
Hapless – unlucky
Hiatus – a break
Gregarious – sociable, outgoing
Inquisitor – someone who asks questions, questioner
Iniquity – an evil act, a sin
Goad – to force forward, make people mad
Ingenious – marked by special intelligence
Subsist – to live, exist
Notoriety – known in bad regard
Blandish – to coax through flattery
Flattery – compliments, sycophancy

Innocuous - harmless
Neonate – a newborn baby
Incessant – without interruption
Narrate – to tell a story
Flout – to scorn, ignore
Pedagogue – a school teacher
Buffet – to hit or strike, beat


The song


  1. i love Shakespeare wrote the movies.

  2. You are so sweet Keeyu. We really appreciate that you did this vocabulary for us. Thanks to you we are going to do really well on the vocab quiz for Pre-Ap English. :) YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

  3. I love that you used high level vocabulary in your brief description of your post. Thanks for sharing this!

  4. i did bad on my last voc test i can use this i hope it helps thank u ever much

  5. This is really helpful to me nad others that will be taking this vocab test. It is a great way to study.

  6. I'm glad that you guys liked this!

  7. Thank you Keeyu For putting all this words because it helped us on the test. Thanks to you we can learn more.

  8. Keeye, im acually kinda happy for you because you are putting work into these vocabs which seems extremely hard to learn and memorize. Good Job !

  9. Keeyu, you helped me pass my test. thank you. (:
